Work-Life Balance?!

Lucie Darshan
2 min readOct 30, 2019

Today marks the 8th month since my back injury and 8 months of not working for a paycheck.

Not being able to move was a blessing in a way (don’t get me wrong — it sucked…it really SUCKED!) but ever since the week 2, after I came to peace with “Why me?!” & “Poor me!” thoughts popping up into my head constantly; ever since then, I was SO THANKFUL for this injury! It allowed me to work on my ideas, fully immersing myself in developing my visions and dreams.

It was a pretty cool way of the Universe showing me how would my “passion project” I’ve been working on feel as a full time job. And man, it felt amazing! I was in the flow, refining my vision. I was so excited I couldn’t wait for the next day to come so I can start again. There was no time to eat and sleeping felt like waste of time and I worked full time hours (and a half!).

After few months I realized I didn’t take time for myself — zero days off in a while. I realized my personal life together with connections to people I loved and activities that filled my soul were non existent.

I started to recalibrate what’s important. Yes — building the “Darshan CommUnity” is still high up there, but now I make sure I check in with mySelf often. I spend time with people I love and connect with Nature, because those are the things that keep me happy, fulfilled and BALANCED.

I actually have to SCHEDULE time for ME. I schedule time to get outside and be with people I care about. There’s “Me Day” in my calendar at least once a week. There’s time outside (almost) every day. This is what works for me — because the fact is: what’s not in my calendar is NOT happening.

What fills you up? What recharges you? How do YOU make sure you balance work with LIFE? Think about it. Take your shoes off, go for a walk and THINK ABOUT what’s important for YOU.


Lucie Darshan



Lucie Darshan

Welcome to the Darshan Diaries. The place where I share my thoughts, insights and inspiration I gathered throughout my own life.